I have been working in the visual arts professionally for over a decade. My experience is diverse. I have been a photographer, fabricator, and educator. I have been a collaborative partner and diligent worker for universities, theater companies, custom fabrication shops, and community arts organizations. I frequently work with individuals working as independent contractors and crafting their living as makers, photographers, and artists. I believe in creative labor as the path towards self-actualization. I actively seek projects and environments that explore production through shared creative experience.




Independent Photographer

Clients: Clutch Studios, Pirrello Digital Imaging

Assist in the fabrication of public sculptures. Maintain studio equipment. Manage computer systems and web design.

Coordinate exhibition preparation, shipping and handling and installation of artwork. Assist students, patrons, and visiting artists. Train and schedule student workers.

Fabrication Tech

Chicago Sculpture Works

Assist in the fabrication of public sculptures. Maintain studio equipment. Manage computer systems and web design.

Assistant to the Director of Exhibitions

Art Exhibitions Office, Gwen Frostic School of Art

Coordinate exhibition preparation, shipping and handling and installation of artwork. Assist students, patrons, and visiting artists. Train and schedule student workers.

IT Consultant

Office of Information Technology, Western Michigan University

Instruct faculty in a variety of computer programs and web services.

Studio Manager

Tim Turner Studio

Responsible for digital capture acquisition, post-processing, archiving, proofing, printing, and client delivery. Coordinated product and freelance logistics, set construction and lighting, maintenance of all studio equipment, and network administration.

Clutch Studios, FTD, Tim Turner, Stephen Hamilton, Sean Williams, PDI

2007 - Present

Digital Tech and Production Assistant

Assist with lighting, grip, and digital file management in studio and on location.

Evan Barr Photography

08 / 2005 - Present

Independent Photographer

Clients: Clutch Studios, Pirrello Digital Imaging

Compose, light, and capture product imagery for client use. Digital retouching, file management, and client delivery. Capture HDR and 360° spherical images for use in CGI imagery. Experience includes architecture, food and product.

Tim Turner Studio

2012 - 2013

Administrative Assistant

Responsible for digital capture acquisition, post-processing, archiving, proofing, printing, and client delivery. Coordinated product and freelance logistics, set construction and lighting, maintenance of all studio equipment, and computer/network administration.

Chicago Sculpture Works

2008 - 2011

Fabrication Tech

Assist in the fabrication of public sculptures, maintain studio equipment, manage computer systems and web design.

Muskegon Community College

2008 - 2011

Digital Photography Instructor, WINGS

Instruct students in grades 1 – 6 in fundamental photography and digital processes in summer study experiences.

Harold Washington College

2007 - 2009

Photography Support Staff

Assist students and instructors. Maintain darkroom equipment.

Smartshop Metalworking School and Art Gallery

2003 - 2006

Studio Tech

Assist in the maintenance and day-to-day operations of studio and gallery space.

Art Exhibitions Office, Gwen Frostic School of Art

2002 - 2005

Assistant to the Director of Exhibitions

Coordinate exhibition preparation, shipping and handling, and installation of artwork. Assist students, patrons, and visiting artists. Train and schedule student workers.


2001 - 2005

IT Consultant

Engage in 1-on-1 training sessions with university professors and faculty. Troubleshoot staff technology concerns. Help instructors develop deeper proficiency in a variety of software and web processes. Develop strategies for utilizing technology in the classroom. Complete special projects for staff including analog-to-digital conversion, presentation materials, and image restoration/archiving.




Worked hand in hand with Redmoon artists and makers to document essential fabrication processes, prototyping, and culmination of the first annual Great Chicago Fire Festival. Created comprehensive library of still and motion documentation. 

Responsible for web development and network administration including the creation of Redmoon Visual Resources; a web-based collaborative tool and image repository that established a home for the theater's visual library.

Managed creation and cultivation of visual library built with imagery crowd-sourced from Redmoon staff, interns, and photographers. Imagery was utilized in the design, promotion, and documentation of the festival, as well as establishing a fundamental structure and workflow for a unified visual archive.




Responsible for digital capture acquisition, post-processing, archiving, proofing, printing, and client delivery.

Managed product and freelance logistics, set construction and lighting, maintenance of studio equipment, and network administration.




Light and capture product imagery for client use. Capture HDR
and 360° spherical images of landscapes and scenes for use in
CGI imagery.  Digital file management in studio and on location.
Experience includes fashion, architecture, food and product.



Assist in the fabrication of public sculptures. Maintain studio
equipment. Manage computer systems and web design.



Coordinate exhibition preparation, shipping and handling and
installation of artwork. Assist students, patrons, and visiting
artists. Train and schedule student workers.



Instructed middle school students in fundamental photography and digital processes in summer study experiences.

Created curriculum for course. Developed class exercises, presentations, and course structure.

Explore fundamentals of photography, the camera, and their digital context.

Engaged in daily critique targeted at identification and exploration of visual language as a tool for exploring their own work.

Completed daily campus walkabouts centered on individual questions and direct instruction.

Documentary photography explored through collaboration with neighboring classes. Coordinated visits with classes involved in maker-type projects to give students opportunity to capture key moments in project prototyping and culmination.

Utilized Flickr to have online home for all student work where students explored and discussed each other's work.

Class culminated in field trip to traditional wet darkroom facilities where photograms were used to explore light and shadow and provide context for relationship between analog and digital.





Kerr Fellow
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI

Apple Certified Technician
Certified in Mac OS X core functionality and troubleshooting